Bag It Update – by Jeb Berrier

Well it’s been a whole year since Bag It premiered at the Ashland Independent Film Festival last April, and so much has happened. After winning the Audience Award, a total shocker to be quite honest, I think we all started to realize that we were on to something and that the film not only was a good one, but that the topic was on everyone’s minds and the positive approach to addressing what could be a very depressing and daunting topic was what people were looking for.
Everything is better with a little humor, right? The immediate responses I started getting from people about what they could do in their own lives and in their communities was amazing. People seemed empowered more than depressed, and people were also entertained and wanted to share the movie with others right away.
Since that time we have had a lot more success at festivals all over the country, the film is being shown in schools for kids of all ages with 45 and 60 minute versions available depending on needs.  Our grassroots community screening campaign is going exceptionally well, with over 200 screenings happening across the country this month!  Some of these screenings are thanks to the Whole Foods, ‘Do Something Reel’ Film Festival, passing through 80 cities!  As our Earth Month celebration continues, we are also beginning to air a 56 minute version of the film on PBS affiliate stations across the country. Holy cow! It’s pretty amazing to be a part of something like this.
Very early on we realized that this was a story that needed to be told and that there was a lot of information that people simply may not know about the subject of plastic, both on the grand scale of how it affects the planet, and on a personal level with how it affects our health and the health of our children, I didn’t know most of it and I considered myself somewhat well informed.
I am so happy that people are responding to this film the way they are. This issue of plastic is not going to go away and hopefully by bringing more people into the conversation and by shining a light on some of these problems, we are working on a solution.
This week I am headed to NYC to celebrate Earth Day with 8 million friends!  On Thursday April 21st, we will be hosting a public screening at the Tribeca 92nd Street YMCA at 7pm and if you are in the city, please come!  If you are not in the city, I invite you to come via a LIVE internet Q & A.  The webcast begins at 9:15 EST/6:15 PST.  Please join us here to ask questions and join the discussion with myself, Suzan Beraza, the director (coming to us live from Telluride, Colorado) and a panel of special guests from the big city!
We would love for you to get involved in with the film in any way you can.  Here are a few more ideas –

About bagitmovie

Bag It is a documentary film following the world wide use of plastic bags, plastic's impact on the environment and human health.
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15 Responses to Bag It Update – by Jeb Berrier

  1. Momma Michelle says:

    Cloth diapers? I love them…my child number three wears hand-me-downs. Didn’t see any mention of disposable diapers vs. cloth diapers in the film — maybe your next creative venture?

    • bagitmovie says:

      Hi Michelle,
      We agree that disposable diapers are not the answer. You might have seen an edited version of our film. In the 79 minute version, cloth diapers are definitely discussed! We had to edit quite a bit out to fit the shorter time frame.
      Thanks for your comment!

  2. Shawn E says:

    We watched this recently and my husband has been on a “no plastic” mission ever since. He is interested in finding ways to do something more to raise awareness about the dangers of plastic. I have never really seen him so passionate about a cause before!
    About cloth diapers; I used them on my second and potty training was easier than my first. Everyone thought I was crazy, and some were actually upset that I used them ALL the time. They thought it was “rude” to rinse them out in their toilets…..weird.

  3. marcia turner says:

    What a GREAT show. I watched it twice last night. Just incase I missed something.
    No more plastic for me. Plus at work no more throw away coffee cups. I bought 12 cups, so when we have company at work, they can use them.
    Marcia Turner

  4. Gretchen says:


    I enjoyed the movie and even as a resident of Portland, OR learned more about a few things. The BEST part though, had to be your truly amazed expression as you son was being born. Made me cry a little (yeah I am a parent). Anyway: thanks!

  5. Greg Rose says:

    i am teaching my daughter about bottled water, litter, and the fast growing concern of water rights. How the people can steal water and turn around and make many starve of thirst while we are all eating plastic in our fish or more worse making our brothers and sisters thinking disposible plastics are good. HELP!!!!!!!!

  6. brensage186 says:

    I just saw your movie. I hadn’t heard of it til tonight. thank you so much for making this happen. I have a feeling things are going to get even bigger. One person CAN make a difference.

  7. Jeb,

    Viewing your movie about a year ago at the Sausalito Film Festival in part, inspired to embark on a mission to eradicate single-use plastics. One year later I’ve started an IndieGoGo campaign to help me raise crowd-sourced funds to start a company called JyARz (play on Gyres), which will make re-usable, glass-lined containers (glass can be removed for cleaning or replaced entirely…highly reusable design). The link to my campaign is here:

    Please take a look at the campaign if you have a few minutes. And, if you like what you see, please support our campaign and if possible please spread the word so that we can get our first JyAR out in the market and then we can start making bigger JyARz for all kinds of uses….I’m committed to ending the use of single-use plastic containers…please help 😉



    Aldo Castaneda
    Founder – JyARz
    35 Miller Ave. #168
    Mill Valley, CA 94941

  8. I also saw no mention of cloth, I saw a disposable on in the hospital. I just had my 2nd and my husband was so adamit about cloth he took of the sposie and put on a cloth the nurses thought we were Nuts!!!!!! I’m very passionate about my cloth diapers!
    And for your wife, ever try “momma cloth ” instead of the plastic made feminine care products?

  9. Brandon Noe says:

    Now its all I can see every place I go now . I feel so ignorent and guilty for participating in societies bad habits. I feel impowered yet i know its going to take major focus and disipline my self every little time we want treats, groceries, fastfood, lotion, trhe list goes on and on. The anger I feel for being taught to live with whats easily avaible should be the stenght to live and teach my children of the truth. We need to Love and protect the home of ourchildrens homes!! Thank you for making me cry tears of life change. Its a positive sorrow.

  10. Jeremy Goldsworthy says:

    I would like to know, did you have a boy or girl?

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